Monday, 30 July 2007

Oral Presentations

This term Room 2 students have been set to find a topic on their choice eg their pets, sports, landmarks and their families or people that they look up to.
We then have 1-2 weeks to finish at a high standard.
We get marked on
• Length of speech
• Content of speech
• Supporting visual information
• Organization of speech
• Use of voice
• Use of gestures
• Looking at the audience
• Audience appeal
We have a minimum of 1 minute in length and a maximum of 4 minutes. We then write a final copy and present it to the class.
So far they have been very well done, we are looking forward to more presentations.
By Alana and Holly.

Here are two posters that go with oral presentations by Alana and Lily.

Thursday, 26 July 2007

Comic Strips

We have been learning to tell a story using the rules of comic strips.
We have:-
1.Decided on a short, catchy title for our comic strip.
2.Decided on the 6 pictures that will tell our story.
3.Drawn the draft of our strip.
4.Included thought and speech bubbles, sound words and statements about time and place to help tell our story.
5.Completed a final copy of our comic strip to share.
The whole class did a great job on their comic strip because they put lots of time into it and took good care with it.
Matt wrote a comic about a motorbike jump. It was called “ THE JUMP”. Ethan wrote about Matt coming to his house. It was called “MATT CAME TO MY HOUSE”
By Ethan and Matt

Wednesday, 25 July 2007


During Term 2 and 3 we have been working on some of our own marionette puppets. Our puppets are going very well, with the help of Mrs Wilson. The bodies of our puppets are made of plastic bottles. The heads are made of tightly screwed up newspaper. We had to form the features of our puppets by moulding the shapes we wanted, eg nose, eyes, lips eyebrows and ears etc. The puppets range from people to monsters to animals. 2 more weeks and they may be finished (hopefully!)
By Alana and Lily.

Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Ancient Greece

Lately we have been learning about Ancient Greece. We have read 4 myths:The judgment of Paris, The Minotaur, Pegasus and Daedalus and Icarus. We have done 4 activities in our topic books. They are Greek gods and Goddesses,A Family Tree, Building a Labyrinth, Names of Magical Creatures and 2 maps.
By Lily and Ethan.

Monday, 23 July 2007


Our Piratical Reflections

Holly thought the dress up day was fun and to see how everyone else dressed up.
Alana enjoyed the Pirate Quiz, and her team came 2nd.
Shyanne enjoyed the dress up day and taking part in the Quiz.
Guy enjoyed the Pirates and Cannonball games.
Matt enjoyed the taste of the rum (aka L&P) and the Treasure Hunt Computer game. He thought it was easy!!
Lily found it hard to memorise all the instructions in the game "Captain's Coming".
Ethan enjoyed doing the WANTED posters because he was able to use Kid Pix to draw his pirate, Blackbeard.
Rebecca enjoyed having her tot of rum and playing Captain's Coming. Nicholas agreed with Rebecca.
Cassie liked the dressup day because she liked dressing up as Jack Sparrow. She looked great and won first equal prize in the class competition.
Finn enjoyed dressing up and also to see how all the others dressed up. He came first equal with Cassie.

Sunday, 22 July 2007

Wanted a Pirate

During pirate week Captain Charity asked us to do this:
While on your pirate adventure you will create a WANTED AD for a pirate you have learned about through your research. The WANTED AD will include a drawing of the pirate chosen (in Kid Pix), with a listing of his crimes and any reward that will be offered, ( word processed with the drawing inserted in it). We will make a movie/powerpoint of all the wanted posters when they are finished.
We toiled away below decks with the help of our daily exercise and tot of rum to produce some fine WANTED posters! We wonder if you have seen any of these piratical criminals in your neighbourhood? We would appreciate knowing their whereabouts if you know.

Pirates, Piratical Pranks and Pandemonium.

The last week of Term 2 brought many secrets out of the decking. There was Admiral Kindness with her wobbly parrot, Captain Cuddles with lots of you know what, Captain Philanthropy (we had to ask what that was - kindness in other words) and Captain Goodwill. Of course our ship the Silver Seeker had its own leader, Captain Charity, and she was seen to be dishing out some gold coins during the week. On board the ship Silver Seeker we had a mixture of pirates with names like Missee Lee, Erish, Crewminator, Blackheart, Blue Bonnie to name a few!!