Sunday, 22 July 2007

Pirates, Piratical Pranks and Pandemonium.

The last week of Term 2 brought many secrets out of the decking. There was Admiral Kindness with her wobbly parrot, Captain Cuddles with lots of you know what, Captain Philanthropy (we had to ask what that was - kindness in other words) and Captain Goodwill. Of course our ship the Silver Seeker had its own leader, Captain Charity, and she was seen to be dishing out some gold coins during the week. On board the ship Silver Seeker we had a mixture of pirates with names like Missee Lee, Erish, Crewminator, Blackheart, Blue Bonnie to name a few!!


Room 2 said...

hi this is tessa and i gotta say this website is really interesting

Room 2 said...
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