Wednesday, 25 July 2007


During Term 2 and 3 we have been working on some of our own marionette puppets. Our puppets are going very well, with the help of Mrs Wilson. The bodies of our puppets are made of plastic bottles. The heads are made of tightly screwed up newspaper. We had to form the features of our puppets by moulding the shapes we wanted, eg nose, eyes, lips eyebrows and ears etc. The puppets range from people to monsters to animals. 2 more weeks and they may be finished (hopefully!)
By Alana and Lily.


Room 2 said...

I think the puppets look fantastic!
I am looking forward to seeing them completed and then maybe we can put on some plays for the rest of the school.
Well Done
From Mrs Wilson

Unknown said...

I absolutely love the puppets they are turning out really well.They're going to look so awesome when they're finished because none of them look anything alike.I know we are all loving our Thursday lesson. Thank-you so much Mrs Wilson