Wednesday, 6 June 2007

The Kids Congress May 2007

I recently had the privilege to be able to attend this “ICT Skills Workshop” for South Island primary school children. More than 200 9-12 yr olds gathered at Ferrymead Historic Park for 2 days of ICT learning. They each chose a workshop to follow for this time. Workshops, of which there were 21, taught skills using i-Movie, Photoshop, Podcasting, Comic Life, Google, Blogging, Digital Stories, Reality Games, Still and moving digital images, iPods, etc; in order to complete a learning task related to the context of the Venue. The finished products included 3D drawings of buildings, Wild West movies, designer t shirts, comics, podcasts of how life has changed over time, Who dunit movies, Newspapers of yesteryear, olden day Ferrymead postage stamps, a time machine and news reports, to name a few!!
The place was buzzing with chat, collaboration, problem solving and laughter amongst students, many of whom, had just met for the first time.
The paradox for me was seeing Ferrymead, the place we perceive as being representative of yesteryear, alive and buzzing with children using the latest in ICT gear to achieve their learning goals……and yes you are right, there certainly was evidence of Web 2.0 assisting learning!! Although in Jocelyn’s case the wireless network was variable-causing problems with her students posting their blogs.
It was an enlightening day of PD for me, and I hope that students and/or teachers from our Cluster schools may be able to attend this Congress in future years. Check out the website for more information.
In the meantime I have unfinished business with Google tools, Comic Life and Garage band………….to begin with!! ☺ ☺

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