Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Room 2’s Assembly 1 June

What a thrill it was to see so many of our parents at our class assembly.
We were very excited about sharing our work completed in the first part of the year. For those of you unable to attend some items we shared were:
1. A movie of our dreams for the future, containing still digital photos taken by the students, stunning photos they were, too!!
2. Movies about our class camp at South Brighton.
3. Raps we had written about ourselves. There was some great rhyme, rhythm and action in those presented.
4. Reflective writing about what it would be like to be a machine. Here is one person’s writing:
If I was a machine
I would be a… computer.
I would love the feel of waking up
from an eternal like sleep.
I would hum soothingly when the
buttons on my keyboard were pressed.
Like being tickled.
I’d be able to search every website
I’d help my owners
I’d have answers to everything.
But after every day I would be
put back to eternal sleep yet again,
after all my hard work
I’d be deserving it.
5. Our thoughts about looking after a fresh egg for a week, as part of the Keeping Ourselves Safe programme. E.g. It was hard to keep track of my egg all the time.
I learnt how hard it is for Mum and Dad to look after me.
6. Each Maths group explained their current learning goal and knowledge gained in the current Multiplication and Division topic. Eg understanding how powers work with numbers; halving and doubling, trebling and thirding numbers to make equations easier to solve; and how the order of the factors doesn’t change the product. Great presentation skills and stunning use of Power Point!
7. We showed paintings and drawings of simple and complex machines.
8. A dance we created, using the actions of simple machines, which we called "Mechanical Moves".
Thanks so much to everyone including the presenters and the Tech Crew for their awesome work. The Assembly went smoothly and was presented professionally!!
☺ ☺ ☺ ☺

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