Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Little River School Science Fair

The action is increasing as the date for this event approaches. Students have chosen a complex machine to investigate. They have researched its history, developments and uses. They are also required to explain the workings of the simple machines in the complex machine using diagrams, models and explanations. Most groups are at the publishing and presentation stage now. There is alot of chatter, collaboration and deep thinking going in the groups, their aim being to achieve excellences on the marking rubric.
On Friday 22 June at 2 pm all will be revealed, we hope you can be there to share in the childrens' learning!!


Room 4 said...

I am really looking forward to the Science fair. See you there. Mrs Couling.

Jocelynam said...

I've been in to visit 2x today so thats 2 more for your bean counter!
I really like the idea of having your school logo on your blog, a good identification tag.
You have set your blog out well in that there is a balance of teaxt and photos and its easy for us sight impaired people to see and navigate through. Enjoy and I look forward to more comments and more additions.

Principal said...

I wiil not be here on Friday but I will check in tomorrow to see as many projects as I can. Lots of imaginative and thoughtful work going on.
Good luck
Mrs Wooster