Wednesday, 29 August 2007

In the last few weeks we have been training for a skipping program called jump rope for heart. We have been learning the bell jump, side straddle, forward straddle, run skip and heel and toe tap and to start the day we have been doing 15minutes of skipping first thing in the morning. Also in PE we have been doing the skips as well as doing one minute skipping. We have our own skipping ropes that have our names on them. The jump off is on the 19th of September.
By Cassie and Rebecca.

Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Our Topic

Our topic is on Ancient Greece. We are learning about what interests us and are doing a presentation about it. Nicholas is learning about Greece and Greek treasure. Eden is learning about Greek Gods and monsters, legends and myths. Nicholas found out that the Greeks had lots of temples that were their treasure, some of them were called Parthenon, Aphaia, Athens, Agora and Ancient Crete. Eden found out that the Hercules killed his brother. (The hydra is his brother) Poseidon tried to sink Odysseus’s boat, and all the gods have statues.
By Eden and Nicholas.

Monday, 27 August 2007


In the next few weeks the school are training for the 2007 Jump off. To get us started we have been jumping for 15 minutes first thing in the morning. Some of the year 8’s are going to be helping Mr Fitch, to help the rest of the school train for the 2007 Jump off on the 19th September. Some of the skips we do are side straddle, criss cross, double under, double Dutch etc.
Some of us are practicing at lunch.
We are all looking forward to the Jump off.
By Rebecca and Alana.

Friday, 24 August 2007

Eden's Puppet

My puppet is supposed to be a mutant ninja with a woolly cape on. He has one bird eye, one red eye and a chainsaw attached just past his elbow. He has a black wooden leg, a green face, a big chin, and has bumps on his head. He is made from a Janola bottle. I had to paper Mache his head then I had to strap masking tape around the head. Then I pushed it into the top of the bottle. Then I had to paint the head and build up the nose and one eye. How did I get the cape? I traded 4 arms and legs to get a cape. I made him a paper and cardboard crossbow to fire arrows at anything he wants. He’s got an orange bloodstain on the right side of his head. He’s got guns instead of hands. The reason why he has a wooden leg is because the other ninja’s didn’t like him so they cut his leg off. There are a small amount of things I still need to do like make feet for him, colour the crossbow and join it on and make it fire. Then I will repaint him and put his cape on.
By Eden

Thursday, 23 August 2007

Wednesday, 22 August 2007

School Choir

This term we have been learning the music festival songs. Some of the songs are God of Nations, Let Me Sing And I'm Happy, Born Free, It Don't Mean A Thing, Let There Be A Voice, Yo Vivo Cantando, The New Zealand Song, Clowns and Ode To Joy. On Monday 20th August all the people doing the choir went to Christ's College to have our first practice and it was a lot of fun going through all the songs with the conductor. When we started to sound bad the conductor would stop us and say ''you're sounding like the telly tubbies.'' To stop this happening we had to have a north-south mouth instead of a east-west mouth so our voice would sound better.
by Megan and Andie

Tuesday, 21 August 2007


Greece is near Turkey and Italy in our days. Ancient Greece was way back in the past. One time the Greeks kidnapped a Trojan princess, so the Trojans took a Greek princess called’ Helen’’ to get even. So the Trojan War started, the Greeks went by ships to Troy.
After 10 years of fighting.
The Greeks thought the Trojans weren’t brave, because the Trojans went behind their city’s gates. Soon after the Greeks built a wooden horse. After that the Greeks hid in the wooden horse. Soon the Trojans spotted the horse and took it into the city gates thinking it was a gift. At night the Greeks got out of the wooden horse. Then after a few minutes the Greeks were killing the Trojans in their sleep. Soon Troy was being burnt down to ash. The Trojans who were not warriors took an underground passage to the sea to escape from the Greeks. The warriors of troy were left behind to fight for Troy. Eventually the Greeks probably won! But their hero died called “Achilles” he got shot with a boron arrow into his ankle (his ankle is his weak spot because he got dipped into some magic water except ankle so he could only die if someone stabbed him there).

By Logan! + Guy.

Friday, 17 August 2007

Greek Myths Using Crayon and Dye Art

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Pandora’s Box

This week we have been reading Greek myths. One of the myths we have read is Pandora’s Box. Pandora’s Box is a story about a girl who had a box which she was not allowed to open and because she was curious she opened it. Hate, greed, anger, sickness and lies came out but Hope followed. This tells us that in life there are bad things but hope will always follow.
By Andie and Shyanne.

Wednesday, 15 August 2007


This term we are learning about fractions in maths. We have learnt a heap about fractions. There are many different fractions like ½ and ¼. Fractions are for dividing things up (pizza, apple and cakes). Each piece of the shape has to be the same size if it is to be a fraction! To keep our fractions knowledge going we do Keeping Clever! We sometimes have to put fractions in order. We have groups for fractions in maths (triangles to circles).
By Jade and Logan.

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

The Kahurangi Maori Dance Company

On Monday the 13th of August we were fortunate enough to have a Maori
Dance Company come to our school. They preformed a show called Maori Myths & Tribal Legends. They used string to tell stories.
They performed shows such as Hatupatu And The Bird Woman.
The whole school watched the show.
Later that day the year 4’s and up participated in a Te Reo Kori Workshop. We did 4 different exercises.
1. Using a Poi
2. Ti Titorea –stick games
3. Hu Ha – Ringaringa-hand games
4. Using Ti rakau or Taiaha and hand stories.
We really enjoyed the show and the workshop, we thought it was a great experience.
By Shyanne and Holly

Wednesday, 1 August 2007

The Rugby Tournament

Lately we have been practising for the winter tournament (rugby and netball). The winter tournament is held at Akaroa on the 3rd August and the Lincoln tournament is on the 9th August
Mr Stanbury is the coach for the year 4, 5&6 team. Mr Fitch is the coach for the year 7&8 team.