Tuesday, 21 August 2007


Greece is near Turkey and Italy in our days. Ancient Greece was way back in the past. One time the Greeks kidnapped a Trojan princess, so the Trojans took a Greek princess called’ Helen’’ to get even. So the Trojan War started, the Greeks went by ships to Troy.
After 10 years of fighting.
The Greeks thought the Trojans weren’t brave, because the Trojans went behind their city’s gates. Soon after the Greeks built a wooden horse. After that the Greeks hid in the wooden horse. Soon the Trojans spotted the horse and took it into the city gates thinking it was a gift. At night the Greeks got out of the wooden horse. Then after a few minutes the Greeks were killing the Trojans in their sleep. Soon Troy was being burnt down to ash. The Trojans who were not warriors took an underground passage to the sea to escape from the Greeks. The warriors of troy were left behind to fight for Troy. Eventually the Greeks probably won! But their hero died called “Achilles” he got shot with a boron arrow into his ankle (his ankle is his weak spot because he got dipped into some magic water except ankle so he could only die if someone stabbed him there).

By Logan! + Guy.


Tamara said...

Hi Logan and Guy. I am a teacher at Burnham Primary and have really enjoyed reading your information about Ancient Greece. If you loved learning about this, when you get to High School you should take a subject called Classics. It's awesome-all about ancient Greek history and mythology!Tino pai rawa!

matt said...

Hi Guy & Logan, what a great essay about ancient Greece. I liked the bit about the Trojan fights. Keep up the great work guys.