Wednesday, 29 August 2007

In the last few weeks we have been training for a skipping program called jump rope for heart. We have been learning the bell jump, side straddle, forward straddle, run skip and heel and toe tap and to start the day we have been doing 15minutes of skipping first thing in the morning. Also in PE we have been doing the skips as well as doing one minute skipping. We have our own skipping ropes that have our names on them. The jump off is on the 19th of September.
By Cassie and Rebecca.

1 comment:

Room 2 said...

Mrs Patten wrote:
It sounds like you are practising your skipping very hard. I hear that you have been trying hard to get as many people skipping in the long rope as possible. I wonder what our record will be?
What skip do you like doing the best?
I look forward to seeing your progress when I return on Monday.