Tuesday, 4 September 2007


In the last 2 terms our class has been concentrating on a very interesting art project… known as making marionette puppets. Here are some instructions on how to make marionette puppets:
Objects needed… a body shaped plastic bottle, newspaper pages, paper machete paste, paint (white paint included), wool/string (for hair & leg and arm joints), masking tape, p.v.a glue, screwy hooks and a pencil for drawing facial features.

*Scrunch up 2 pieces of newspaper into a ball and wrap masking tape around it to hold the ball steady.
*Paper machete around the ball, till about 5 layers have been completed then leave to dry.
*When the ball is dry, paper machete the ball onto the body shaped plastic bottle then again, leave to dry.
*Now add the paper mache facial features like eyebrows, lips, ears and a nose.
*Paint the head and body a thick layer of white paint.
*When the white paint is dry paint the chosen skin colour onto the puppets body and head.
*Now, if wanted, add hair using the wool/string and stick it on using p.v.a glue.
*Now draw with a pencil the eyes for the puppet and then paint them.
*For the legs start by halving the piece of newspaper 3 times long ways then 1 centimetre from the top of the strip of newspaper, use the masking tape to stick a 30-centimetre piece of string on. Now roll the newspaper in a tight cylinder shape then wrap masking tape around it for steadiness.
*To join the legs and arms to the body, screw the screwy hooks to the bottom of the body and then add some more to the place you want the arms to be.
*Paper machete the arms and legs then when they are dry paint them the skin colour you have been using.

“This is as far as I can take you but thankyou for reading it and I hope you try it out.”
By Tessa and Cassie

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is an great description on how we have made our puppets.You have made it sound very easy to make the puppets (and you've made it sound like you can make them quickly haha).It has been very cool sitting at home and be looking at the blog then the next minute there is something new on there.