Tuesday, 11 September 2007


Step#1 Task Definition Define your task and write 1, 2, 3 or more helpful questions.
Step#2 Information Seeking Strategies Identify 1, 2, 3 or more sources to help answer your question(s).
Step#3 Locating Information You have used keywords to locate information in 1, 2, 3 or more sources.
Step#4 Using Information You have read all of your information, taken useful notes and/or in your own words.
Step#5Organising And Presenting Information Included detailed information in my own words as well as a bibliography with supporting visuals e.g. pictures, imovie, slideshow.
Step#6 Did I Do The Job Well? My work is finished, it is well set out, I have answered all of my questions, credited all of my sources, worked neatly, checked thoroughly for accuracy and used headings and titles where necessary.
This term we are using the Big Six Steps Of Inquiry to find out about Ancient Greece. Some Examples of what people are finding out about are farming, woman’s clothing, schooling, Ancient Greek art, sports, nature, war and weapons.
I think this is a very good system because it is very easy to stick to and you know what you have to do.
By Amy and Tessa

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