Monday, 10 September 2007

Ancient Greece

For topic in Room 2, we are learning about Ancient Greece. We have been learning how the ancient Greeks lived about 2300 years ago, right now we are doing an enquiry about the ancient Greek lifestyle, when we are finished we will have an Ancient Greek Expo where we will dress up like ancient Greeks and show our work to others. I am researching ancient Greek trade. We have also been learning about Greek gods, some of these gods include Zeus the king of the gods, Hera the queen of the gods, Athena (Athene) goddess of war and wisdom, Hephastus the god of metal working, Ares the god of war, Apollo the god of light, healing and music, Demeter the goddess of harvest, Aphrodite goddess of love and beauty Artemis the goddess of hunting and the moon, Poseidon god of the sea and Hades the god of the under world. By Dacre

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