Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Ancient Greek Pots

We are doing these pots for our ancient Greek expo on the last week of term [Tuesday 18th September 2007]. At first we started off with a draft copy. We had to use at least 1 picture that tells a Greek story about someone and why they were special e.g. Jason the brave young warrior who had to complete three tasks to get the Golden Fleece. We also had to use lots of zigzags, patterns and shapes. After the draft copy was complete we had to draw the outline of a pot on an A3 piece of paper. Then we coloured the pot in with dark crayons like purple, rust, red and orange. Then we painted the pot in thick black paint. After that we used the end of a paintbrush or something like that to scratch the pattern into the black paint. Also if you can, come to the Ancient Greek expo on the 18th September 2007 at 1:45PM!!!
By Finn Cameron, with some help from Dacre Herlihy.

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