Monday, 8 October 2007

Jump Rope

Jump Rope Jump Off was on 19th of September. There were 10 skipping tasks that we had to complete. The tasks were a range of activities like long-rope challenge, obstacle course and basic skills, just to name a few. My favourite task was the obstacle course because you had to skip over benches and small hurdles. We were timed I did 42 seconds but I tripped and still got a good time.
I raised $20 for the National Heart Foundation. I thought I did a good job.


Unknown said...

jump jump jump!!!! was all that we were doing that day and still people are jumping!
It was fun and there was lots to do and i can't wait till the next year we do this.

Room 2 said...

It must of been fun, But it was a shame I wasn't there. You guys are so lucky. Jump,jump and AWAY! Logan