Tuesday, 9 October 2007


This week we are learning about Volcanoes.
Learning Goal: WALT write a brief and accurate definition of a Volcano.
We’ll know we’ve achieved this because… We have
#1 Read information from at least 2 reference sources e.g. www, books, CD ROM’S.
#2 Gathered the main point and recorded them in a useful way.
#3 Written a brief and accurate description from these notes.
#4 Shared our definition with the class and received feedback from them.
Definition of a Volcano
A Volcano is a mountain that is made by plates that form the earth’s crust. A volcano erupts from natural causes e.g. earthquakes or when the earth’s temperature reaches an incredibly high state. The volcano spews out a jelly like liquid rock or magma. The lava flows like thick oozing mud. It travels a long way crashing through stop signs, houses and roads until it finishes ending its long journey into the ocean.

1 comment:

Room 2 said...

WOW! This has been so much fun doing volcanoes.
We learnt so much about volcanoes. Guy and Spike