Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Retelling a Greek Legend

Poros of Malia
All reading groups had the goal of rewriting a Greek legend from the point of view of one of the characters in the story. This was to be a different point of view from which the legend was written in.

………..I felt the atmosphere wrap around me like a blanket. I wished there was a breeze. We were all naked, of course, but I noticed the other athletes were sweating. It wasn’t just the heat, we were all nervous.
Just a few minutes ago I’d been fully aware of the drink and food vendors. Gradually I started focusing on my task. Everyone was watching me. I tried to ignore them; I had won at the Olympics four years ago. The other competitors knew I was the one to beat. I knew the other competitors were good as well.
I looked at a special point halfway down the track. I knew it was the crisis point where the pain begins. We moved up to the starting line. The race began. I didn’t think any more about the competitors, I knew I could beat them.
Suddenly, a smile crept upon my lips. I was Poros, the Olympic Champion, I would win again!!
Retold by Holly.
Chosen by Mrs. Patten to be posted on to the blog.

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