Monday, 27 August 2007


In the next few weeks the school are training for the 2007 Jump off. To get us started we have been jumping for 15 minutes first thing in the morning. Some of the year 8’s are going to be helping Mr Fitch, to help the rest of the school train for the 2007 Jump off on the 19th September. Some of the skips we do are side straddle, criss cross, double under, double Dutch etc.
Some of us are practicing at lunch.
We are all looking forward to the Jump off.
By Rebecca and Alana.


Unknown said...

Hi Room2
First time we have used the blog and it looks great. good to see all the excellent work yopu are doing and I am looking forward to see the skipping skills in live action

Unknown said...

Great reading all about the interesting things happening in your class. I look forward to parent assembly and watching everyone jumping