Wednesday, 19 September 2007

The Room 2 Ancient Greek Expo

On the 18th of September Room 2 held an Ancient Greek Expo. Some of the things we shared with the parents are our Inquiry findings. We performed 3 plays for the adults. The first play was called Town Mouse And Country Mouse. The second play was called The Weaving Contest and the third play was called The Clever Farmer. On the day of the Expo everybody had to dress up like an Ancient Greek.
Some of the kid’s favourite part of the expo was:
Megan enjoyed listening to what other people found out about.
Alana liked learning about and presenting her information.
Spike’s favourite things were the plays.
Rebecca loved the Ancient Greek Lunch.
Lily agreed with Megan.
Mrs Patten enjoyed finding out how much the kids had found out.
Mrs Peters liked watching the plays.
Miss Reid loved the whole EXPO!
By Amy & Justin

Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Pictures of Room 2's Ancient Greece Expo, 18 September 2007

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Ancient Greek Pots

We are doing these pots for our ancient Greek expo on the last week of term [Tuesday 18th September 2007]. At first we started off with a draft copy. We had to use at least 1 picture that tells a Greek story about someone and why they were special e.g. Jason the brave young warrior who had to complete three tasks to get the Golden Fleece. We also had to use lots of zigzags, patterns and shapes. After the draft copy was complete we had to draw the outline of a pot on an A3 piece of paper. Then we coloured the pot in with dark crayons like purple, rust, red and orange. Then we painted the pot in thick black paint. After that we used the end of a paintbrush or something like that to scratch the pattern into the black paint. Also if you can, come to the Ancient Greek expo on the 18th September 2007 at 1:45PM!!!
By Finn Cameron, with some help from Dacre Herlihy.

Tuesday, 11 September 2007


Step#1 Task Definition Define your task and write 1, 2, 3 or more helpful questions.
Step#2 Information Seeking Strategies Identify 1, 2, 3 or more sources to help answer your question(s).
Step#3 Locating Information You have used keywords to locate information in 1, 2, 3 or more sources.
Step#4 Using Information You have read all of your information, taken useful notes and/or in your own words.
Step#5Organising And Presenting Information Included detailed information in my own words as well as a bibliography with supporting visuals e.g. pictures, imovie, slideshow.
Step#6 Did I Do The Job Well? My work is finished, it is well set out, I have answered all of my questions, credited all of my sources, worked neatly, checked thoroughly for accuracy and used headings and titles where necessary.
This term we are using the Big Six Steps Of Inquiry to find out about Ancient Greece. Some Examples of what people are finding out about are farming, woman’s clothing, schooling, Ancient Greek art, sports, nature, war and weapons.
I think this is a very good system because it is very easy to stick to and you know what you have to do.
By Amy and Tessa

Monday, 10 September 2007

Ancient Greece

For topic in Room 2, we are learning about Ancient Greece. We have been learning how the ancient Greeks lived about 2300 years ago, right now we are doing an enquiry about the ancient Greek lifestyle, when we are finished we will have an Ancient Greek Expo where we will dress up like ancient Greeks and show our work to others. I am researching ancient Greek trade. We have also been learning about Greek gods, some of these gods include Zeus the king of the gods, Hera the queen of the gods, Athena (Athene) goddess of war and wisdom, Hephastus the god of metal working, Ares the god of war, Apollo the god of light, healing and music, Demeter the goddess of harvest, Aphrodite goddess of love and beauty Artemis the goddess of hunting and the moon, Poseidon god of the sea and Hades the god of the under world. By Dacre

Tuesday, 4 September 2007

Our oral presentations

The oral presentations that we thought were good. Jack Thought Ethan’s Presentation was good because he had a good presentation and told us a lot about his holiday in Naseby and He told us all how to play Curling. You stand at one end of a ice skating rink, walk quickly then slide your feet into some slots then let go and get the curling stone as close to a round blue circle with a red circle inside it. (Try to get your curling stone into the circles.)
Nicholas did his presentation on his favourite holidays. His favourite ones were in Hohora, Tekapo and Marlborough Sounds. Nicholas went skiing at Tekapo and did the slalom. When he was at Hohora he went fishing and caught lots of fish. He went biscuting behind the boat and sometimes he flipped. He also went water skiing. Up at the Marlborough Sounds Nicholas went on big walks and went hunting for goats and wild pigs. Nicholas was about 5 metres away from a big adult goat and it had big horns that were about 90 centimetres long.
By Nicholas and Jack.


In the last 2 terms our class has been concentrating on a very interesting art project… known as making marionette puppets. Here are some instructions on how to make marionette puppets:
Objects needed… a body shaped plastic bottle, newspaper pages, paper machete paste, paint (white paint included), wool/string (for hair & leg and arm joints), masking tape, p.v.a glue, screwy hooks and a pencil for drawing facial features.

*Scrunch up 2 pieces of newspaper into a ball and wrap masking tape around it to hold the ball steady.
*Paper machete around the ball, till about 5 layers have been completed then leave to dry.
*When the ball is dry, paper machete the ball onto the body shaped plastic bottle then again, leave to dry.
*Now add the paper mache facial features like eyebrows, lips, ears and a nose.
*Paint the head and body a thick layer of white paint.
*When the white paint is dry paint the chosen skin colour onto the puppets body and head.
*Now, if wanted, add hair using the wool/string and stick it on using p.v.a glue.
*Now draw with a pencil the eyes for the puppet and then paint them.
*For the legs start by halving the piece of newspaper 3 times long ways then 1 centimetre from the top of the strip of newspaper, use the masking tape to stick a 30-centimetre piece of string on. Now roll the newspaper in a tight cylinder shape then wrap masking tape around it for steadiness.
*To join the legs and arms to the body, screw the screwy hooks to the bottom of the body and then add some more to the place you want the arms to be.
*Paper machete the arms and legs then when they are dry paint them the skin colour you have been using.

“This is as far as I can take you but thankyou for reading it and I hope you try it out.”
By Tessa and Cassie