Wednesday, 10 October 2007


We are learning about symmetry, rotation,translation and reflection.
We are mainly learning about symmetry so far. Finn is learning about making lines of symmetry on shapes and making 1 whole picture look symmetrical on both sides. Eden is learning about how many times a shape can be halved by the number of shapes there are in one shape i.e. finding the lines of symmetry. We also learnt how to make 1 shape into 4 by folding the paper four times and so we created 4 lines of symmetry on the new shape.

1 comment:

Room 2 said...

I thought you put a lot of thought and care into creating your symmetrical patterns. You showed a lot of perseverance to complete them to the high standard that you did. Your conversations during this activity indicated that a lot of learning was going on about symmetry. You were also having a lot of fun completing this task.

Mrs Patten