Tuesday, 4 September 2007

Our oral presentations

The oral presentations that we thought were good. Jack Thought Ethan’s Presentation was good because he had a good presentation and told us a lot about his holiday in Naseby and He told us all how to play Curling. You stand at one end of a ice skating rink, walk quickly then slide your feet into some slots then let go and get the curling stone as close to a round blue circle with a red circle inside it. (Try to get your curling stone into the circles.)
Nicholas did his presentation on his favourite holidays. His favourite ones were in Hohora, Tekapo and Marlborough Sounds. Nicholas went skiing at Tekapo and did the slalom. When he was at Hohora he went fishing and caught lots of fish. He went biscuting behind the boat and sometimes he flipped. He also went water skiing. Up at the Marlborough Sounds Nicholas went on big walks and went hunting for goats and wild pigs. Nicholas was about 5 metres away from a big adult goat and it had big horns that were about 90 centimetres long.
By Nicholas and Jack.


Anonymous said...
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Principal said...

I am really enjoying looking at your blogs. There is certainly some wonderful work going on in Room 2