Wednesday, 19 September 2007

The Room 2 Ancient Greek Expo

On the 18th of September Room 2 held an Ancient Greek Expo. Some of the things we shared with the parents are our Inquiry findings. We performed 3 plays for the adults. The first play was called Town Mouse And Country Mouse. The second play was called The Weaving Contest and the third play was called The Clever Farmer. On the day of the Expo everybody had to dress up like an Ancient Greek.
Some of the kid’s favourite part of the expo was:
Megan enjoyed listening to what other people found out about.
Alana liked learning about and presenting her information.
Spike’s favourite things were the plays.
Rebecca loved the Ancient Greek Lunch.
Lily agreed with Megan.
Mrs Patten enjoyed finding out how much the kids had found out.
Mrs Peters liked watching the plays.
Miss Reid loved the whole EXPO!
By Amy & Justin

1 comment:

Room 2 said...

This was so much fun. We dressed up and tasted some Greek food and you have explained that very well. We had been practisng our presentions alot.
We had a great day.
by Shyanne & Rebecca.